In storytelling, a trope is a common or recurring theme or device that is used to convey an idea or message. Tropes can be thought of as narrative shortcuts, often taking the form of archetypes, stereotypes, or cliches that are instantly recognizable to audiences.

For example, the “damsel in distress” trope is a common storytelling device where a female character is kidnapped or in danger, and needs to be rescued by the male hero. This trope has been used in countless movies and books, and has become so recognizable that it is often parodied or subverted in modern storytelling.

Other examples of tropes include the “hero’s journey,” the “chosen one,” the “wise old mentor,” and the “love triangle.” While tropes can sometimes be overused or formulaic, they can also be effective tools for creating a shared language and understanding between the storyteller and the audience.

Tropes can also be subverted or deconstructed to create new and interesting storytelling possibilities. For example, in the TV show “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” the “damsel in distress” trope is frequently subverted, as the female protagonist Buffy often rescues herself and others, and becomes a hero in her own right.

Overall, tropes are a common and often useful component of storytelling, providing a shared language and framework for conveying ideas and messages to audiences.

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